Opening Hours
Monday and Wednesday afternoons 14:00 until 17:00
and Saturday morning 09.30 until 12.00.
Telephone (during opening hours) 01926 641774
The Library
The Parish Council support the Community Library in Kineton which is run, on their behalf, by The Friends of Kineton Library. The library forms part of the Warwickshire County Council network of libraries and is fully part of the County system. This means that residents can join the County library system to borrow books, order books and loan talking books, free of charge, from any County library, including the one in Kineton. You also have access to the County online eBook collection, again all free of charge. The library is based in the Village Hall in Mill Street and is operated by volunteers.
The Friends are always looking for new members and new members are very welcome. No specific skills are required just a willingness to give a couple of hours once every 2 or 3 weeks and training is available.